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The Teaching of Jesus

Daily Devotions:by Christina Farris

Matthew 21:23-27 KJV
(23) And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?
(24) And Jesus answered and said unto them, I also will ask you one thing, which if ye tell me, I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things.
(25) The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him?
(26) But if we shall say, Of men; we fear the people; for all hold John as a prophet.
(27) And they answered Jesus, and said, We cannot tell. And he said unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things.

John baptism was a baptism of forgiveness for sin. Did Jesus teach a different doctrine not found in the Old Testament and before He began to preach and teach. The question is even better served is when did the baptism of repentance come. Joseph brothers repented upon seeing Joseph on the throne in the Old Testament, yet was there repentance before that time frame. God repented at the time of Noah. The word repented meaning to turn away. God turned away from evil. Did God do evil? No, but he seen the evil devise of man and no longer was willing to put up with evilness of man. Noah was said to be a preacher of righteousness. Not necessarily a preacher of repentance. Let’s go back does God himself do evil? The answer is no, but He does allow evil and He created evil to deal with the wickedness of man. It is an eye for eye mentality. God allows the devil to pour out the evil we do to ourselves and others to teach us what it feels like. Can you take what you dish out. Most preache would say no and the reason why is long ago they knew their own sin that God called them out of by the way of Christ Jesus. He called them to repentance.

John baptism one of repentance and Jesus taught forgiveness for sin. Is there a difference, not really, yet is it easier to hear the words repent or your sins are forgiven. John could not see the heart of man, so he could only cry out repent and Jesus could say your sins are forgiven, because he could see the guilt on the heart of man as he healed them.

The teaching of mercy can only be given by what you have done yourself, or have desire to be merciful about, yet God’s mercy comes with what He knows about you and your heart. God knows the guilt you face because of your imperfection, because He is the reader of the heart. Man can not see this. Man can see the human tears, but not the reason for the tears. Was the tears because of guilt or some other reason. Anyone can cry at an altar for repentance. I seen a man weep, but the tears could have been for a number of things, even things I knew not. How quick one is to assume. I have had a million things running through my head when listening to sermons over the years. I listen to singers and sometimes felt the beat of the music and others times did not, along with feeling like singing and sometimes not. Yet God can see my heart and knows my every thought.

The act of repentance, the word of the Holy Spirit to the heart of man does not lie. Does a minister need to know the heart of the sinner, no only to speak the words the Lord gives him. The Pharisees had to deal with not only if John was a man of God then did he teach the things of God. Ezra and Nehemiah were prophets of repentance. Most prophets taught repentance. Jonah preach repentance. Baptism a sign of spiritual cleanness upon repentance. Was the repentance taught of God. Other religions do teach repentance to deny the fact they are of God or not, would be based on several things. One do they teach you that your equal to God, and do they deny Jesus coming in the flesh, meaning God’s word? There cultures that beat themselves with whips as form of repentant act, God never required that of his people except in punishment for a crime. The religion that teaches man is equal to God is a false one, it lines not up with scripture.

Jesus taught the things of God, and so did John and yet John was filled with the Holy Spirit since conception and Jesus was the very Word of the Holy Spirit and part of God that declares the power of God. The Pharisees stood on a ledge so to speak between doubt and belief of who Jesus and John were. The reality of John being the forerunner of the Messiah was hard to grasp as well as believing the Messiah was here at last. The Pharisees idea of the Messiah was not exactly the image of Jesus. They looked for warrior king and not a teacher of righteousness. Yet evil society needs a teacher of purity and righteousness. Evil society sees no need of God or repentance, unless their heart is pricked. Could the Pharisees deny the repentance that came out of the ministry of both Jesus and John.

The Pharisees felt better not to say yes on any account because if they gave approval it would effect their wallet. If it effect their wallet they would not be able to live in comfort and in a free society of the Romans. Can you give up your freedom for God’s laws or are you going to choose freedom to obey God’s law of faith. What the difference. To obey God’s law in a free society means the freedom to practice your faith. To give up your freedom is to force the world to agree with your faith as well forcing them to obey something they disagree with and so when the opposition is in power you have to bow to their idols? Which way do you want your society? What authority do you want in power. God’s authority in power gives choice with consequences for choice. Not God’s way is no choice. The devil only wants it his way.

Dear Heavenly Father may freedom of faith rule the heart and each person work out their relationship with you. Bring us to repentance and forgiveness of evil. May Christ teachings reign. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

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