If you think bullying is cool, think again, no matter the age it is never cool. In this day and age people might find ganging up on someone is fun, but it only fun and games if everyone is laughing including the target. This month is often thought of a month of evil, or evil doings. Goliathe was the tallest bully, as far as enemies of Israel, but was not the only bully. There were bullies like Haman, and those that plotted against Daniel and his God. Yet the ones who won these battles were God's people. Even Elijah was bully by some 42 children in scripture and God sent a mother bear to consume them. I can not help think if God defender of his people what do we have to be afraid of.
Does God still take care of bullies? The question do humanity deal with bullies different today then yesterday. Some people just ignore the bullies. Elijah was only being made fun of because of his bald head, and I wonder why did God destroy those children because their families had no respect for God's prophet. If we look at our leaders, and things we agree and disagree there is correct way and a wrong way to address these people. They are entitled to some respect. However if they become the bully or a tyrrant the issue comes to when have they cross a line. Ahab cross a line with his wife Jezebel, because they were an evil King and queen. God chose to take them out with prophesy that would later come to pass.
Does God still take care of bullies today. I hope so, but then I hope maybe God's mercy is extended for the saving of their soul. There are times in life bullies deserve a little more then forgiveness. Yet we have to look to the law when it comes to correction, or to God. Sometimes the best solution is prayer and the second solution being examination of the law.
If bullying is preventing someone from feeling safe in our world, then there is a legal problem. If bullying causes someone to want to kill themselves, then it causing psychological abuse. If bullying is causing a child to fear school, home or to wake from nightmares then it psychological abuse. Often with bullies there is physical abuse as well. When is simple teasing no longer teasing when the the person being teased is put in a place of fear or harm, mentally, physically, or emotionally.
Truth be told sometimes prayer is the first action of a believer, but sometimes God does not change the course of events when it comes to bullying for a time. Christ was bullied while on trial, he was mocked, beaten, his beard plucked out, a crown of thorns placed on his head and so forth. Yet Christ on the cross cried "Father forgive them". There is a fine line between being a pacifist and taking legal action. God not only forgave but raised his Son up so we could know his forgiving power. To let us know that Jesus had the power to take away the sins of the world and bury them, upon belief in HIm. God will one day judge mankind and no long forgive. God has our judge is merciful, but in truth, there is a line that man is breaking. That realm of being broken is when it is evil and actions have evil intent. In today's world with freedoms of our constitution in America we should never have to deal with abuse of faith, abuse of sexuality, mental or physical abuse. Yet, it continues in our world, sometimes to harm and sometimes even to death. There is abuse that can be controlled by our laws, and some abuse that just ignored. Where is the line drawn. However do not take the law into your own hands to solve the issue. However even I will admit sometimes when a person fights back in society, it makes the crowd cheer, but not the law or God. Chose where the battle ends, and where it can not be crossed. Take action through prayer, and through the law. Use rational thinking and not the first reaction of retaliation.
Christ way is love and forgiveness, the continual action of forgiveness often causes others to be shameful for their actions over time. Yet there has to be heart change, and sometimes our actions helps in the heart change of another. When a person can indentify with the person they are abusing, something changes within them, perhaps compassion, and perhaps knowledge that what they do is wrong.