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turtle30cshell Daily Devotions For August 04, 2024
Blessing Without Deserving

Daily Devotions:
by Christina Farris

Psalm 32:1-2 KJV
1 A Psalm of David, Maschil. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
2 Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

Are you blessed with common sense concerning faith. If you believe in God and understand disobedience causes God's correction and wrath are you living as if you do not believe in the existence of God. That one night stand turns into another one night stand with either STD that for life or baby for life. That one night of passion leading not to a blessing always but sometimes a curse. That belief in God and yet sexual behavior outside of marriage forbidden leads to what?

Sin in general has the same effect of not believing what God says or who he says he is or the authority of which he has in our life. When God's word speaks of sin not being imputeth on a man, one might look at David life and ask was King David always in submission to God. Then we see this blessed king and a favorite king of God not always on submission to God one can understand God is not always correcting or chastising David over sin. And the separation of sin that it brings from God did not occured in David's life either.

Rigteous not by works or actions but belief. Jewish people segregated to be a holy people as Christians being set apart to be holy unto God did not change their position because of sin, instead sin was proven to need a law to be able to abide by it (Romans 4 and Genesis 3). Think for a moment the law of belief being the first law if broken caused separation before any other law. If Noah, Mary or Moses had not believed their stories would be different. They believed God like Abraham believed and they walked in obedience to what God said would happen. Yet Abraham sin by sleeping with Hagar neither stop Sarah from conceiving but allow sin to be overlooked without correction. Sin to try and make things happen is not God's way either. God going to do it his way. Yet Lot's wife sin looking back at her home she left behind turned her into a pillar of salt. Her one sin with consquences and why this looking back no one knows other then it was sin to look back.

Is that belief strong enough to believe God that faith in his son saves you from all your sins with or without works? Devil believes and trembles but where is he going. Yet his eternity is in the eternal lake of fire and hell is cast in there as well. Yet devil seen God and refused to obey God setting himself equal to God into authority and power and his power is limited.

The believers sins not imputeth has to be because of the absents or ignorance of law right? No this sin overlooked is because of godly faith. A faith that says I believe but I desire to follow Jesus in faith, love, truth and obedience to the best of the ability. God gave the believer his Spirit when first believed and with the Spirit the believer is strength in faith, love and hope and God adds to faith, love, and hope overtime to aid in times of doubt and unbelief or times of trouble.

Dear Heavenly Father strengthen our faith and thank for sin that you do not count against those who follows you. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Continual Scripture Study: John 3:15-16 KJV
15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


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