Your child is going on vacation without you this summer to camp, to summer school or even Vacation Bible School. One of the first things begin to pray for the teachers and workers involved in these activities. This is a time of spiritual warfare for our kids when they are beginning to decide what they believe about Jesus. Two rules of thumbs of sending your children off make sure they are going to a reputable church and a reputable establishment. A place that will work hard to keep your children safe in a fun, loving and learning Christian situation. Make sure if it is a church it is with your standard beliefs. No place is safe but to keep little one's safe, teenagers where they are suppose to be is essential to young people's learning and growing in the things of God in good clean Christian fellowship.
If they got an adult class for VBS why not go you just might learn something too. Vacation Bible School is usually for everyone. There always need for extra hands with the kids, even if you not the main teacher. It can be fun to watch kids learn or help serving refreshments.