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What The Site Cross
Means To Me
Bucket List
by Christina Farris

1. Exercise
2.Read a good book
3. Do something sweet for your sweetie
4. Make a love list
5. Buy a box of chocolate
6. Meditate beside the fireplace, in a cozy corner of your home on God's word(Bible).
7. Diner night out with your sweetheart
8. Go through your craft box and try something new.
9. What one thing you can do to make the world around you better
10. Pray for unity among nations around the world in peace and love and not hate.

Love Is In The Air
by christina Farris

May you have a wonderful Sweetheart Day with your significant other.

Falling In Love
by Christina Farris

Two love birds sitting on a fence One ask, "do you love me?" and the other says, "course I do". It not how many times someone says I love you. Should be: does their action represent love. People are quick to fall in love. Never considering the long term relationship or long term entanglements or the wonderful long term relation that can come from just quick fast falling in love or the quiet soft breeze gently wooing of the heart. Perhaps a long term courtship spurred with a gentle caress on the dates while holding hands, the waiting, the preposal, the ring and then the walk down the aisle a man and woman share the first kiss that binds the marriage agreement that leads to hopefully a lifetime of love and kisses through out the marriages.

God is love the first time a person taste his love is through the compassion of a believer or his word. One may not even be a believer but the first knowledge of God's love begins to penetrate the heart. God begins to woo us with his love through his Word and knowledge of who he is and his Son is.. God using this earth as a dating field. Meaning a place to know him and His Son before we decide to accept his one time marriage proposal with his Son, becoming part of his bride. A spiritual bride, the church who he will take home to be with him to live with him in glory.

Going To The Chapel
by Christina Farris

Going to the chapel. Going to get married. Going to the chapel of love. To find love as a believer we need to remember who surrounds us, who is in our hearts. The believer's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit when we ask Jesus into our hearts. Has believer's we are becoming the perfect bride of Christ. Our first unity candle is lit within our heart as we receive him as Lord. God surround's us to enable us to be the bride for his Son. Our hearts is the chapel of love for human body becomes the spiritual body not because of our love but his love for us.