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What The Site Cross
Means To Me
Bucket List
by Christina Farris

1. Dust off the Book Shelf
2. Find a good book
3. Make A Hot Drink Menu
4. Wait For Snow
5. Find your sleigh and skates.
6. Meditate beside the fireplace, in a cozy corner of your home on God's word.
7. Have a friend over for a night of fun and games.
8. Go through your craft box and try something new.
9. Check on the elderly
10. Pray for our nation, and the nation around the world as we begin this New Year.
(P.S. Live in a different climate, please make changes for the season)

Do not Let Jesus Pass You By
by christina Farris

Christmas is over except maybe for the orthodox church that celebrates later this month I think. Did you embrace the Savior Jesus in you heart this Christmas season or did you let him pass by. Jesus is calling, he will stop for you to give you a ride. To help and drive you to your future destination. Every blind and lame while he walked this earth that called to him got healed.

We never told of any none healing besides areas of a lack of faith, not all could receive healing. God by Jesus still heals but he wants to heal your heart first. He may bring also healing through endurance, through physical wholeness and more today. Let's start with restoration and rejuvenation of the heart that mends the relation with God through belief in his Son Jesus. Ask him not to pass you by but to drive you in your journey with him. Ask him to forgive you of your sins and receive Jesus has Lord today by receiving God's salvation through his Son today. Christ died for the sins of the world and rose again promising eternal life to all that would believe.

Click how to be saved button at the top of the page for more information on how to be saved and how to pray.

New Year 2024
by Christina Farris

As the old clock from the first New Year it was drawn begins to quickly count down let us think on the word rejuevenate and refuel. New Year being the best time to make changes to rejuvenate life to bring hope and prosperity into the New Year whether it be faith, health, work or play. Our over all well being must come with change. It must come with spiritual exercise of having God's word purify our soul, heart and mind. Examination of our health and concentration on thing we like to do to rejuvenate our well being. Exercise, body training, walking, or just a simple stretch or too. Better pay or a better job might rejuvenate the idea of working everyday. Training, schooling, and work responsibility brings better way of financial life. Can't work look for things you can still do or desire to do and take steps to get there. If you fail their is always next year to try try again until Jesus comes.

Rejuvenation in our life can not come with out a New Years resolution. Spiritual resolution:
1. Decide who you serve spiritual?
2. Work on discovering the gifts God has blessed you with.
3. Allow God's word to purge and sanctify.
4. Find ways to reach out, it will rejuvenate your life.
5. Work on areas of your life where you need to forgive or receive forgiveness.
6. Continue to work on one's own relationship with God(Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

This has no order to which it must be done, except knowing who is Lord. We are a spieitual work in process.

Sleigh Bells
by Christina Farris

Long tine ago horses and sleighs could be heard all over town with the snow just fallen. Young men planning to picked up their gal on a cold winter night and ride through the town. The girl's pleads to her mother and father to please let her go. The girl would be listening for the first jingle of sleigh bells on a weekend night to wait for the knock on the door of her young man who want to take her for a ride. Young man had worked hard to buy or make his sleigh to date/court hopefully maybe his future bride.

The young man would knock and ask if the girl could go. Father and mother giving permission and so off they would go with a stern warning to be back by nine. When they return the mother had fresh goodies and hot drinks to warm them up from being outside. The Father would take time to know the young man and maybe a game played before the young man had to go.

The dating scene changed with technology. Yet it still boy meets girl and picks up girl for a date. This New Years 2024 will bring new technology but it will not change people being people. We here the church bells, warning bells, alarms to who knows what tune. We race to the door to know the source of the noise. No one knows the sound of the horn or the angel who will blow it. Yet are we listening to the sounds of the coming of our Lord. The sounds that speak God's word is unfolding and a new beginning is coming. Jesus will return for his bride one day.

May this New Year be a time of hearing the word that courts our hearts. May we wait for wedding bells of Christ and his Bride.