As the old clock from the first New Year it was drawn begins to quickly count down let us think on the word rejuevenate and refuel. New Year being the best time to make changes to rejuvenate life to bring hope and prosperity into the New Year whether it be faith, health, work or play. Our over all well being must come with change. It must come with spiritual exercise of having God's word purify our soul, heart and mind. Examination of our health and concentration on thing we like to do to rejuvenate our well being. Exercise, body training, walking, or just a simple stretch or too. Better pay or a better job might rejuvenate the idea of working everyday. Training, schooling, and work responsibility brings better way of financial life. Can't work look for things you can still do or desire to do and take steps to get there. If you fail their is always next year to try try again until Jesus comes.
Rejuvenation in our life can not come with out a New Years resolution. Spiritual resolution:
1. Decide who you serve spiritual?
2. Work on discovering the gifts God has blessed you with.
3. Allow God's word to purge and sanctify.
4. Find ways to reach out, it will rejuvenate your life.
5. Work on areas of your life where you need to forgive or receive forgiveness.
6. Continue to work on one's own relationship with God(Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
This has no order to which it must be done, except knowing who is Lord. We are a spieitual work in process.