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September Month
Bucket List
by Christina Farris

1. Enjoy the final weeks before fall really gets here
2. Labordat
3.911 Reflection
4. Take a walk/breath the fresh air of fall
5. Walk around
6. Plan your tea and hot chocolate drinks for cooler nights
7. Revival season is in full swing in many churches
8. Try a new hair style
9. Pop popcorn in the evening
10. Not least but first of all take time to Thank God for bring you through the summer season.

Fall Is On It's Way
by Christina Farris

The season of revival, the season of endings and beginings. The season of putting to bed those things for winter enjoyment like final preservation of jams and jellies, and the final preparation of fall crops.

Thanking God for the smell of fall in the air. The hope of spring to soon return in a half a year. Two of my favorite seaons fall and spring.

Labor Day 2023
by Christina Farris

Labor Day is September 4, 2023. A day of rest and reminder of one of the last vacation weekends of the year before the traditional holiday season.

God created the world and he valued the Sabbath Day rest. God needed a day of reflection on all he made. He did not take a week but the seventh day to refect. Reflection is important to us if it also important to our Heavenly Father. Enjoy your Labor Day, Think on God's creation and work in your life today.

911 Remembering 2001
by Christina Farris

No one is ever ready emotionally for a night or day of terror. The anger of my generation, a few older that remain and those younger will never forget it. We will not forget the unity of our nation caused by terror or forget the nationalism of people united.

Though it seems our nation is divided on many things our national pride still reigns and must reign. It must continue to stand for national freedoms and be united to build our nation better.

However if we build not faith and not on the principals of Jesus and God the Father by the Holy Spirit ours and many other nations that desire unity will crumble.

It should never take terrorism to cause division to unite people. Unity should not come with rage but peace, so when tragedy comes and will we are still together in one accord.

May this future generation learm unity in peace not in war times the value of our unity. That children know the value of healthy difference on each other lives.