God's story of sending his only beloved Son, that is what this month is all about. God's play unfolded for man to see, how far and how wide his word travels to the manger scene. Does not stop at the manger but continues on to a little house in Bethlehem. No doubt all wanted to see the new born king of Israel, yet the devil to desire to see him to slay him. Herod had role of being a devil. Even God's heavenly angels have a role to play of declaring God's big announcement of his Son to the shepherds that had a role too, that day. The wise from afar seen his star and knew the Christ child had been born.
God's play each person had a role to perform. Today we look an ask where is God's play, scene what and act what? Who is in the story, from the homeless person on the street, to the politicians and the billionairs of the industrial age of commercialism, the little family with a house just right, the small church, the big church lights up so bright, and let us not forget the jail birds of prisons of our nation, let not forget the trailors, the campers, the apartments, townhouse all full of people and not least the animals leading the blind, hugging up their owners at night, and playing all day and night in all in wait of the Christ child to be born. The old in retirment homes and nursing home, cops, fire, rescue and the humble minister down the street, all in wait for the finalee of the rerun of the Christmas story. The relgiious folks rerunning the Christmas story, but everyone else gets a glimpse into the world of faith, love, and hope.
Looking through the Christmas card section on this site only reminds me my mind must of been more on St Nick then the Christ child. Christ's birthday this month only a reminder of faith, hope and love. Yet St. Nick takes toys to the orphans, which gives them the hope that someone truly cares about them. Only to discover the commercialism behind each toy, and not the time spent with each girl or boy. Can we find away to be a big brother, a big sister, or just a friend to a child in need of human compassion. The world's Christmas encourages dreams of going and getting the things the heart desires verse the spiritual hopes and dreams. What is my point this Christmas desire the spiritual before you open one gift from a friend or love one that cares about you. Know God loved us first, and sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. God's play will run out and he will begin a new one for his beloved audience in the New Jerusalem.