Bring The Children To Jesus

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I am your host Christina Farris Coming live from Today is January 1, 2017, the first day of the New Year. Today's Message is entitled:

Bring The Children To Jesus

This year what is your New Year resolution. There are many people ready to be born again into a spiritual world called faith. People running to and fro only hoping to catch what faith is all about. Faith starts with child like faith. Everyone must be born again to be saved. Everyone must be born of God's Spirit. Each birth of the Spirit of God makes new babies in Christ and are ready for growing. Babies need the milk of the word. If God's children are full age, we need strong meat and milk. Yet there are times in church world where the children can not come to Jesus because those needing meat only see their need and not the milk of the word for those less mature in faith. Today's passage of scripture comes from:

Mark 10:13-16 KJV
(13)  And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them.
(14)  But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
(15)  Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
(16)  And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

The imagery of the children coming to Jesus only to be turned away by the disciples is often the trouble of those desiring only the meat of God's word. The meat eaters do not understanding the need of the children coming first to Jesus to get the milk of word. The milk called love. God's children need the hugs from Jesus. Need the hugs and blessings from the word of God. The problem is people desire the meat that is more palatable to the taste for those truly aged or seasoned by the knowledge of the word of God. It easy for these people to push away the children, like parents do their own kids when they are in need of adult conversation intead of allowing their children to entertain the friend in the house. There are times when the children needs of coming and meeting of the adult friend is necessary. It is that adult friend that does not have to be the parent but is able to talk to the child like he or she is an adult, even though children are still learning their abc. Most people love children, for they were once children themselves. Yet some fail to take time with the children. Jesus was not that adult that ignored the children but encouraged them to come to Him. He would pick them up in his arms, hugging and bless them.

As we begin this new year let us take time with those that just got saved. Or are desiring to know Jesus. Remembering you too, once had lots of questions. Teaching them to seek those question daily through their quiet time with God and not just through a teacher or a preacher. Seeking those question by developing their relationship with God. You can have your own relationship with Jesus. I am not talking about putting Jesus on the shelf but talking to him from your heart the thing that are personal to you as well as those questions that are causing weakness in personal faith. Jesus is the person to come to with all life's problems. God has your best interest in mind and will help you when you trust in His salvation plan through Christ Jesus.

This New year let us remember the milk of the word. The love of God and not just the desire for strong meat. Remembering to share the hope and love of faith with others through our words and most of all actions. The milk from Jesus is needed to produce faith.