6/01/2013 The Problem Or Just A Dilemma I am your host Christian Farris coming from turtle30cshell.com Today I speaking on the power of persuasion. The ability to speak with authority to bring about change on a wide scale or low scale. Parents have influence over the children, politician over a crowd of people with and without similar political views. Sales clerk trying to sell you the latest fancy gadget, or religious and social leaders to control a group of people. What is awareness of one’s surroundings can be blindness to the person beside you. When driving down the road how many passengers really observe all that the driver does. Do you trust the driver who chauffer you down a busy street to get you to your destination. As the chauffer whether it be taxi driver, your spouse, a family member or a friend, they will observe many things. They will see things in their rear view mirror that no one else sees. They will observe there side mirrors that the person on the other side of the front seat might see, or might not see. Yet the mirrors are there to make a driver more accurate with safety. The problem occurs when an accident takes place and the passenger only sees from only what in front of him. The driver sees all around him. Even knows how things spun out of control. Yet the picture the passenger has is he/she is no longer in one piece because of whatever sideswiped the vehicle that he/she could not see. Though what occurred is described to them the picture is never whole. Yet the sound of fiberglass and metal hitting is etched in their mind forever. The car spinning out of control seen by eye witness only can imagine the impact as the car hit a tree. For though seeing it they neither felt the pain of the entire impact. Here the point if God is chauffering your car, it means that you never need to grab the wheel and crash. It means God is the seat seeing the full picture and events around your life that shapes your journey. If you are driving and ask God to take the wheel he still sees the full picture. If the devil is driving and you try and claim that wheel there is going to be a fight. A fight for power and control. If you give that wheel to God. God will kick the devil out of the drivers seat for you. However if God is only the passenger he is only going to take that wheel if you let Him. Dilemma comes when you try and stop a wreck by grabbing the wheel. You can not control those events without learning how to drive and learn defensive driving and that comes with God in charge of the car as the auto pilot. God never stops driving but it looks like you are the one piloting the vehicle. Don’t put God in the auto pilot box without sharing the source of your ability to sleep while driving. As I went through cancer surgery and preventive treatment some wanted to claim I had great strength, yet the truth was God was the one in charge. My humanity wanted to quit, my humanity said enough radiation. My humanity said enough doctors. My humanity said this is making me sick. Yet in truth I found peace going through this trial differently then any trial I have been through and that peace came from God. Some might say you just got a little older and little more experience dealing with things like this. No, you never get use to things wrong in the body or the fight of survival. Though many go through cancer without faith, I find God in my life giving me that comfort to weather the storm of life. With God in control there is only victory. Victory either in living or eternal life. With God not in control you never know where you end up on earth but I guarantee where you end up eternally. Victory without God is only for a moment, Victory with God began with salvation through eternity. Eternity is a long time heaven or hell it your choice. To receive God’s salvation plan is easy, it takes belief in Jesus and allowing God to change your life through His Word by the power of His Holy Spirit. |